The River Usk is the main river which goes through Brecon. This is a view looking down river from Llanfaes Bridge. In the previous couple of years there seems to have been something of a surge in the duck population on this section of the river - though I note that there do not seem to be so many this year. The Usk is a lovely river, very powerful in rough weather yet so serene on a calm summers day. There is a pleasant stroll which takes you alongside the river at this point (just South of the bridge). It is not strenuous and allows plenty of scope for watching the water rushing along and just being glad that you are not doing the same ! To do the walk, just park in the car park on the Llanfaes side of the bridge and head off in the general direction of Christ College. You will come to a house, to the left of which there is a gate with a footpath sign. Go through this gate and begin your walk along the river side path. You can then either turn back when you have "stretched your legs" sufficiently or continue to follow the path (which is signed) until you come out on a lane which runs around the back of the College playing fields. Keep following the signs until you come out onto the main road again, and then turn right to walk back up to the car park and the bridge.